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  • Vida Elevada

Useful & Stress-free Strategies For Beginner Copywriters (We Personally Love #7)

Learn to create copy that captivates your audience and leaves them craving for more. Whether you're a beginner copywriter who wants to learn the basic strategies of copywriting or how to leverage AI to your writing advantage in copywriting or maybe you're a proficient prodigy, doesn't matter, this article is for you!💪

Do you ever wonder how some writers have the uncanny ability to churn out killer copy that captivates audiences and leaves them craving more? 🤔 Well, fret no m

ore because we've got the secret sauce right here!

The truth write good copy, you have to inject emotion, humor and every other relatable human element into every piece you create. Sure you need a way with words, some basic grammar and writing skills, but other than that, it's really just developing the skill set of tapping into human experiences and emotions and using them to capture someone's attention.

So get ready to take get your copywriting off the launching pad with these simple but effective strategies that will have readers hooked, clients impressed, and your CTAs rolling in. 😎

copywriting for beginners, using AI in copywriting

1. The Power of the Hook 💡

First impressions matter, and that's where the hook comes in! 🎣 Grab your reader's' attention from the get-go with a witty one-liner, an intriguing question, or a shocking statistic. Make them pause, think, and say, "Tell me more!"

Your hook is what will inspire action. Make it tittling, leave them wondering about it and wanting to know more.

Want to write better headlines? Take a look at these word swaps that are sure to capture attention:

instead of EASY try NO BRAINER

instead of BIG try PACKED


these words swaps are a no brainer for creating a provocative headline that packs a punch

2. Know Your Audience Like Your BFF 🙋‍♀️

Get up close and personal with your target audience. Dive deep into their wants, needs, fears, and dreams. When you know them like your best friend, you'll speak directly to that part of them that will react to your copy - we're all about reactions!

TIP: If you're not sure who your audience is, ask yourself these questions:

- who do I know that I can see purchasing this product/service?

- where do they live?

- what do they do for a living?

- what's their financial situation like?

- why are they buying?

- how old are they?

- what stage of life are they in?

3. Embrace the Art of Storytelling 📖

People love stories! 📚 Weave a compelling narrative that takes your readers on a journey. Make them feel connected to your brand and its values. Emotional storytelling is your secret weapon!

Not sure how to captivate your audience?

Study the works of writers or content creators that you've enjoyed over the years. The people you keep going back to, or the books you find yourself re-opening and ready to read for the 100th time.

4. Inject Humor Like a Comedian 😂

Laughter is the best medicine, and it works wonders in copy too! Infuse humor, wit, and clever puns to make your copy memorable and share-worthy.

Feel like your humor and wit are all dried up or that it's just not hitting right with your audience?

What show or books or actors/content creators make you laugh? Follow their style and their technique.

You can also open up CHAT GPT (don't feel defeated that you're turning to AI to teach you how to be more funny) and ask it to write an article or a paragraph about (TOPC) using the writing style of (AUTHOR/CONTENT CREATOR) and go from there. Use that as a guide and build off of it.

5. Short and Snappy Wins the Race 🏁

Attention spans are shorter than ever, so cut to the chase! 💥 Keep your sentences crisp, your paragraphs punchy, and your message clear. Brevity is the name of the game!

We love to be entertained. So entertain. Don't drag on one topic or idea for too long. Give valuable information, keep it easy to digest and then move on.

6. A Picture Paints a Thousand Words 🖼️

Don't just rely on words to do the talking. Embrace the power of visuals! 📷 Use eye-catching images, stunning graphics, and attention-grabbing videos to complement your copy and amplify your message.

Gifs are a great way to add relatable humor into your work, but take what's right with the tone of writing you need to produce. Either way, your words and your images only add to your brand's aesthetic and voice so make sure they reflect you in a way that makes your vision understandable.

7. Call to Action: Unleash the FOMO 😱

Create urgency with a killer Call to Action (CTA). 📢 Sprinkle in some FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to motivate readers to act now. Whether it's a limited-time offer or a one-of-a-kind deal, make it irresistible.

As customers purchase your products / services and find that they're FILLED with value and add value to their life in some way, they'll keep coming back from more.

But the trick is getting them to buy. There are so many things to leverage beyond discounts and limited time offers. Consider creating a landing page, videos showcasing your work, a course or physical product and never underestimate the power of EMAIL.

Get their email, and if they're not ready to buy today, they are more likely to reconsider and buy once you're in their inbox.

8. A/B Testing: Copywriter's Secret Weapon 🔍

Never stop improving! 📈 A/B test your copy to see what resonates best with your audience. Tweak, experiment, and fine-tune until you find the magic formula that converts like crazy.

You don't have to just wake up one day and suddenly be incredibly amazing at writing copy that sells.

Though...that would be nice.

But seriously, it's not realistic. You won't know until you try and the best source of research is from testing out whatever formulas you have on hand. Start with formulas you find online or in a course or a book or wherever and use them to start.

Make tweaks as you go along until you find what seems to fit well with your specific audience.

9. The Rule of Three: Simple Yet Powerful 🔢

People love patterns, and the rule of three is a timeless classic. 🌟 Use triads to create memorable lists, slogans, or headlines. It's simple, powerful, and surprisingly effective!

Let's take a peak at what this looks like in writing:

  • “Blood, sweat, and tears”

  • "I come to you today with a message of hope, inspiration, and change."

  • "Friends, Romans, Countrymen"

Even McDonald's figured it out with their slogan "I'm lovin' it". Three words.

You can use the rule of three in your bullet points, flow of your article and in your headlines.

10. Bold, Brash, and Brilliant 🌈

Last but not least, don't be afraid to take risks!

Embrace your unique voice, stand out from the crowd, and be unapologetically bold in your copy. The more authentic you are, the more magnetic your message becomes. Leave your audience, your potential customers and current ones hungering for more.

There you have it, copywriting champs! 10 easy-to-do strategies that will revolutionize the way you write copy forever.

Happy copywriting! 🖋️

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